Home1980 - 1989Obituaries



Wendy F Smedley (1956/57)

It is with sadness that we report the death of Wendy Smedley after a short illness. Wendy has been a committee member for many years and her help and loyal support will be  sadly missed by us all. Rest in Peace Wendy. January 2015


Robert (Bob) Green (1955/56)

It is with much sadness that we report the death of Bob Green. A long-serving and enthusiastic committee member he was always willing to help out and to provide constructive ideas. Outside of the Broomfield connection he also had a very busy life as a volunteer in multiple rolls for the British Red Cross, he was a volunteer hospital visitor and a leading member of his local church as Church Warden. The BOSA chairman, Bill Jones and three other representatives attended his funeral on the 8th. September 2016 at a packed St. Swithin's Church, Holmesfield, North Derbyshire. BOSA also provided a beautiful floral bouquet in Bob's honour. For those that knew Bob, a touching tribute was the fact that his trademark deerstalker hat was placed on top of the coffin along with his British Red Cross cap. Rest in Peace Bob you were a true gentleman and will be much missed.


Broomfield what's New

An extensive working estate providing a 200-acre classroom supporting the land-based, leisure and public services sectors, with students on a variety of pathways leading to positive destinations in the world of work, further and higher education.

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