Home1970 - 1979Developments at the College

Developments at the college

Developments at the college

Mr Missen was succeeded as Principal by Ernest Bathurst in January 1976 and this saw the start of a period of expansion, and as new courses were introduced the number of students attending college increased. This in turn created a need for additional student accommodation, both residential and teaching together with improvements on farms and an increase in staff. He made changes to the day-to-day running of the college and encouraged staff to gain additional skills and qualifications.









 Staff Celebrate the Queen's Jubilee 1977

Queens Jubilee 1977 staff celebrate 800x629





1975 Article in Derbyshire Life and Coultryside













 New Principal Mr. EVJ Bathurst, January 1976 DET Article

Broomfield what's New

An extensive working estate providing a 200-acre classroom supporting the land-based, leisure and public services sectors, with students on a variety of pathways leading to positive destinations in the world of work, further and higher education.

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